[动漫歌曲] [分享]I Am The Wind

不动明王 发布于2007-6-19 03:47 1879 次浏览 4 位用户参与讨论   [复制分享主题]
<p>就甘睇个名...好似无咩特别...吴知大家有无玩过或者仲记吴记得恶魔城依个游戏呢?我想同大家分享一首PS游戏上非常成功既作品---《恶魔城月下梦幻曲(悪魔城ドラキュラX~月下の夜想曲)》既主题歌,选自专辑《Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST》既歌曲I Am The Wind。虽然听依首歌不下几百遍,但系我每次听到“And I don't know if I will pass this way again,All things must end,Goodbye, my friend,Think of me when you see the sun or feel the wind”就会好自然有一股英雄主义既悲壮情怀。我觉得依首真系几吴错,推荐比大家.</p><p><a href="http://music.fenbei.com/7656565"><font color="#ff0000" size="3">http://music.fenbei.com/7656565</font></a></p><p>吴知大家听完之后,有无同我一样既感觉呢?希望大家会中意........</p><p><br/>歌词:中&amp;英</p><p>I AM THE WIND----我是风 <br/><br/>Just like the wind <br/>向风一样 1 <br/>I’ve always been <br/>我总是高高地 <br/>driftin’high up in a sky <br/>漂浮在空中 <br/>that never ends <br/>历经坎坷 <br/>through thick and thin <br/>永无止境 <br/>I always win <br/>我是不可战胜的 <br/>cause’I will fight <br/>为了我的朋友 <br/>both life and death <br/>我可以向死亡挑战 <br/>to save a friend <br/>每一天我都 <br/>I face my desting <br/>直面命运的安排 <br/>everyday I live <br/>我所付出的 <br/>is all I have to give <br/>都是我最好的 <br/>just like the sun <br/>就象太阳 <br/>when my day’s done <br/>当那一天来临 <br/>sometimes I don’t like <br/>有时候我并不喜欢 <br/>the person I’ve become <br/>觉醒后的自己 <br/>is the enemy within <br/>敌人在我的内心 <br/>or a thousand men <br/>还是在我的周围? <br/>should I walk the path <br/>我应该如何选择人生? <br/>of my worse or better half <br/>光明还是黑暗 <br/>is someone testing me <br/>是谁每天在考验我 <br/>everyday I live <br/>well,the best in me <br/>我所付出的 <br/>is all I have to give <br/>都是我最好的 <br/>I can’t pretend <br/>我无法假装 <br/>I am the wind <br/>我是风 <br/>and I don’t known <br/>我不知道 <br/>if I will pass this way again <br/>是否还能如常般继续 <br/>all things must end <br/>一切都必须终结 <br/>good-bye my friend <br/>再见了朋友 <br/>think of me when you <br/>当你看见太阳或 <br/>see the sun or feel the wind <br/>感觉到风的时候 <br/>I am the wind <br/>请想起我 <br/>I am the sun <br/>我是风我是阳光 <br/>and one day we’ll all be on <br/>总有一天我们会和而为一</p><p>最后一次编辑= =...应该无遗留喇呱.......<ca></ca><ca></ca></p>7 T+ @& B( a9 h& @4 {' k9 Z7 o! v
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 23:13:56编辑过]

1 Q7 b; H( m6 G$ U

[分享]I Am The Wind

[分享]I Am The Wind


不动明王 发表于 2007-6-19 20:57:15 | 显示全部楼层
kalaso 发表于 2007-6-20 07:51:45 | 显示全部楼层
不动明王 发表于 2007-6-21 01:24:42 | 显示全部楼层
Laputa81 发表于 2007-6-21 02:00:54 | 显示全部楼层
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