
mkfmky 发布于2005-2-10 07:17 2228 次浏览 32 位用户参与讨论   [复制分享主题]
<P>Angel and Devil </P>. l/ |# n$ T9 O  m+ W/ P


3 i/ N- p) `2 p4 f. ^- ?( ~<P>Angel's Feather =afop</P>
. Q+ n* ?' A, g. {/ [<P>


</P>; s3 w2 P0 T3 m( j. T
<P>ruins_demo =HITOGATA RUINS</P>
! w9 ^% a. v- [* X3 v2 o<P>


2 _' `. X2 r9 t8 N8 N9 z' {7 y5 s. P<P>izumo</P>
3 W6 L% d1 h8 u# g- n1 {& r; I. a<P>


</P>' M, R9 J0 ~! J" z
<P>twins_demo =魔王之娘</P>" X* @+ ]/ P/ d9 _, f2 P1 \. O


</P># l& F4 U' ~- `
<P>艾倫希亞戰記 - Castle Fantasia Elensia War Record</P>
3 _: R( ]: A4 B+ o8 t1 z, R8 m<P>


; C( i% a2 z% c<P>Yuki no Tokeru Koroni =雪融的那一刻</P>
& D: r1 ^. ]# E* A$ I3 ^: ~- m* X<P>


& y. K  Z$ }' H2 L1 L" ]<P>Aozameta Tsuki no Hikari =蒼之月光</P>9 s+ }. Q) z9 p9 J( e3 `6 C* y


</P>. ~6 J7 _8 q" _2 S7 A) Z  {
0 W! Z& V/ N+ F8 B" y% [- F<P>


+ ~" p' _* ~9 d# Q8 w# X4 D4 C1 s<P>Vagrants</P>- b0 F& J6 }" M3 w; M8 \


</P>7 T0 @# b4 P* l( t' v- R. ~


: \1 m2 M  \2 s: i3 K<P>艾倫希亞戰記~復刻板= cf3r</P>
9 v/ `! _0 R! l5 w5 L2 F<P>


</P>* u4 d& S% S: E8 w
<P>afzan_op 黑之殘影</P>
8 h" T$ ]# G, O4 }% W; y& k) I<P>風之繼承者 = winds_demo1 + beyond_the_rainbow.rmvb (op歌)</P>7 T1 i' w3 s3 Y+ x% `


</P>9 }5 x9 F# x7 z2 T0 W
<P>5 k4 F8 d7 P3 {
<TABLE borderColor=#0099cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=1>+ G; X% D7 C' E$ \* i; ]5 `
, W5 @5 P7 _; W
<TR># l' @5 s7 l5 \6 M5 t, @- W
<TD height=25><INPUT>6.4M</TD>
9 A  [+ J2 n, G# D, A<TD>
5 ]8 j' j. H7 [9 g0 G! |; t/ I+ s, K<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
5 P- c* Z" E; m% U+ N0 w9 R2 X$ x4 k1 D, f: d3 M  q
# q$ T4 I  C1 T/ a" w<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
1 O& F: M/ D9 b5 ?: s4 R+ ?<TD width="82%">Angel and Devil OP.rmvb </TD>
! u! Y6 }' ]( G) ?, i) v9 p$ D/ y3 Z, X<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830434" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>1 r& z+ w0 U& q
<TD height=25>4 b0 V5 }# f9 p9 `. f: c: Y; A/ e
<DIV align=center>2322317332414373 </DIV></TD>
5 e. N) x  o+ Y: J- b  e* S<TD height=25>3 z& \. e, u: s& S; Q' {
<DIV align=center>2005-02-12</DIV></TD></TR>! J/ y- _/ T& L5 W6 t
4 A$ U! K9 e$ D<TD height=25><INPUT>7M</TD>
# K$ ^: L) w+ {4 W! e0 b<TD>! T; Z' D! E/ a* Y4 h: R7 D+ g
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>: t4 _3 Q. I% S5 E5 i0 t

6 q6 J$ x0 U; f% e& u( b<TR>
  w$ C8 o8 [; O$ ?; [# |3 P<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
2 m! a. j7 G1 c4 Y; o* g<TD width="82%">afop.rmvb </TD>6 p  ^# |2 d! a8 }- p. m
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830444" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>0 |- f; W. Q! r& S9 Z
<TD height=25>: j$ v1 f; i$ }1 [" o( x
<DIV align=center>0620610220814995 </DIV></TD>
2 x6 t0 |3 w' \<TD height=25>) Y' V, h$ m" E& z+ u
<DIV align=center>2005-02-12</DIV></TD></TR>' K1 ^7 N% z# r3 h4 Y: ~
* T( U3 }5 T! F7 ^% a% {; _<TD height=25><INPUT>6.4M</TD>, x9 a* d- ^2 N2 o- ^1 D
( T" ]+ @  D( L- S) R; T<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>& E5 B$ L% n& {  |
2 U3 V+ S$ B: Z6 W" s$ G
% m3 }8 a- t; a; `: d# @<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
7 q4 ?3 y3 m8 U# z) M9 S2 W<TD width="82%">ruins_demo.rmvb </TD>
! [3 f2 y( A6 b) g3 |<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830460" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>6 v  t& o2 t7 ]0 h( g7 I/ O
<TD height=25>
# w* M- N& ~: f<DIV align=center>2382373211512299 </DIV></TD>* v8 r6 U& \+ J, e  J, K) c' K
<TD height=25>& o5 i. K6 R5 s) D  ?: Q3 {
<DIV align=center>2005-02-12</DIV></TD></TR>
6 q( `( N# _& V9 l. K' n9 c<TR>
8 V. \" V1 L: K: q<TD height=25><INPUT>6.8M</TD>
0 f5 W, D7 P+ X: ]- j. g* T5 F<TD>: d0 G; D" ^( h1 q
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>0 Z9 `' S3 H1 I* y# Y
$ h  @3 m/ q, r8 ]7 U7 K
<TR>" K/ T6 K9 s5 v' N: r. D0 M
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD># Z! p& V/ Y& W  z) D6 a% c1 m4 M& s
<TD width="82%">izumo.rmvb </TD>
' {+ b  V4 K7 Z+ }& U! A9 A& P<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830471" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>6 }) f% P! \- ]
<TD height=25>
! o# G  w' x+ W- g# j7 Z<DIV align=center>8518504745612747 </DIV></TD>
1 K- Y9 d! X. e* \8 o<TD height=25>. T" t' g8 x6 v( O6 b2 n/ r
<DIV align=center>2005-02-12</DIV></TD></TR>
- L; b9 m6 ?' w+ @; [* n<TR>) q9 P  c& X6 I7 G7 ?) N$ Q, A, @
<TD height=25><INPUT>5M</TD>: x" J- T7 j& _# B6 V* j6 }+ B
<TD>3 X1 x, V. b4 `3 S3 e
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>/ P" l; {! }4 v& t: h

$ H( H2 V$ v9 w<TR>
, \& v. m) |4 _3 O1 D% o; u( I4 \  Y3 B<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>0 [% ]8 J* A4 a9 l# \) L3 E: w& M" h
<TD width="82%">twins_demo.rmvb </TD>
: T' A: Z' M6 e3 a<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830478" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
& Y. w2 @6 Q& ?- J<TD height=25>
- a9 n8 g0 C  {, ]6 @) Y0 N9 l<DIV align=center>7727715964615011 </DIV></TD>  x6 X4 N' H2 L% Y2 ~
<TD height=25>) ?" B. D0 c5 J1 n; h
<DIV align=center>2005-02-12</DIV></TD></TR>) n1 {  a- {9 Y. c: ?
  C# q$ S5 [. R; N8 V; K3 b; H7 t<TD height=25><INPUT>6.3M</TD>
  \3 P, N8 ^, E- r, R& ~<TD>
0 A2 x; @/ r, \1 w& V+ L<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>$ ]* v7 Q' z" ]$ e0 n$ a: A
# m( B9 a  b/ d+ T
<TR>- q1 ~. \8 u" P# g
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>8 W) y4 q/ p" k
<TD width="82%">Castle Fantasia Elensia War Record.rmvb </TD>" U" E9 S. S$ }8 T
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830734" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
: ^, _: ~+ m) J* O0 N9 O3 c<TD height=25>% I4 K# X% j$ j( z9 b3 x
<DIV align=center>2602593075218443 </DIV></TD>
1 `# r) J/ @; I, q1 v<TD height=25>
: g; i+ K( i. D+ S# P" L& j<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>7 ~$ w/ {0 p, `, @( O
<TR>6 ^# ?2 r0 U) L( R7 v' I9 Y5 H2 l
<TD height=25><INPUT>8.2M</TD>' V3 d# n6 C& ]4 v0 X
<TD>( Q+ V- o6 `1 h
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>4 S$ ^( I# J+ b( V6 q0 d, V

1 m) C, s# W! W9 e8 R<TR>
& G( ]" Q+ Y7 O+ @+ Q* V<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>! A9 o0 `2 m0 S6 k* y  k5 W
<TD width="82%">Yuki no Tokeru Koroni.rmvb </TD>
  g( V& _, z2 `8 Y6 W, f& R<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830753" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
7 s2 F  G9 C- |0 A8 z6 q$ u8 _<TD height=25>
/ V" P  Q2 O" ?# E<DIV align=center>3113101392314412 </DIV></TD>
9 `; G# N. U) k: h& @. o<TD height=25>
' M+ @2 [) K3 Q' q6 ]: \7 V<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>2 p, T$ R4 Y, m2 g
<TR># Z& f9 i- w& z
<TD height=25><INPUT>5.4M</TD>
* F! N8 L  o) U) L. i7 [5 J& Q<TD>
( `$ @% O' [0 s/ z<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>' h  w4 w( G5 Y0 ?2 P( d

( X- ?% Y; |( x+ |4 R* D# [<TR>
- X+ M) r( ?  a. X* Q4 `8 d( C1 B<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
9 i4 {4 G0 w% ?4 e<TD width="82%">Aozameta Tsuki no Hikari.rmvb </TD>
  Y" T/ m# k3 G4 d  P" O+ v<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830803" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>+ n! d( j9 J/ _5 W, ~3 \5 i7 X
<TD height=25>  G% l; ?9 R8 c6 ?7 s
<DIV align=center>3753746535414120 </DIV></TD>/ R  A. |2 K7 N( d! j* y4 c4 G
<TD height=25>0 w- j5 I, X/ h- k1 h7 U2 ~
<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>
; _3 ~9 w4 z* ]% a+ c<TR>4 j; q* K1 j* `) K1 c# x
<TD height=25><INPUT>16.8M</TD>
6 U: n) M: G0 L( e<TD>' C1 h  {! B4 a3 F) a3 p
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>' a7 e0 c5 q) W/ l2 J  t

& E& c" B& g% `# a( `7 L. X<TR>8 C; T. D  T1 ?7 D1 w
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>+ X6 D9 R/ ^, N4 d) C3 J
<TD width="82%">izumo2.rmvb </TD>
" t6 j0 c5 ~8 i4 E$ ?) B<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830866" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
4 |9 E! J8 X: p% c3 m6 m<TD height=25>
% o3 n  `' o' G/ `<DIV align=center>1061053326518753 </DIV></TD>
- K3 n+ y1 V4 n( n2 r<TD height=25>
$ Z" F! m% \+ k" E<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>. ^% _3 [! F$ _, ?+ v
  x+ j8 X8 @- y$ }<TD height=25><INPUT>6.5M</TD>3 T& F$ v4 Q: ~7 N
<TD>' n! S; X% |+ d) `1 L$ I8 L5 |
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>1 ]& |& r9 H, P- w( w# z" o6 a

$ k, v. \7 I0 c. B, b8 c. J! O<TR>; `2 X0 b% w! n' Z5 h+ b: a) K
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
& U  E: Z4 {5 c5 H; E$ q6 t<TD width="82%">vagrants.rmvb </TD>. K% x5 G7 m# n1 R( B+ w* ?& U. l
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830889" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
& {& @, k+ F; @  C+ s<TD height=25>
% m- y. v* U1 `2 b( y) j+ `<DIV align=center>2782770920814126 </DIV></TD>2 j# @) n3 }8 ]7 d/ _3 @( m" ^
<TD height=25>* P; i, [4 O3 F" J* k5 v2 {6 P
<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>
! P! f, }; w; j; |$ d  Z<TR>
# b/ i6 y& i! v3 i( J<TD height=25><INPUT>7M</TD>1 f7 c) M+ ~; o6 S) R3 X* O
<TD>3 ?' Q: g0 l  N1 |# Q; O. |; s
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>) g! v$ x6 D9 }6 R' Q
) z% O! c. V1 @5 F3 \" M8 W' U6 q
<TR>" g0 a0 V/ N! ~0 j, q
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
8 {5 v2 O" ^! E+ z' c" e# C<TD width="82%">gakupara.rmvb </TD>5 f: e1 @4 r' ^) g
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=830961" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>6 D& z# m2 g* b- f( F. B( c) c2 c
<TD height=25>
8 f! F4 [& K" @$ M$ o# _<DIV align=center>4604593865317089 </DIV></TD>
) H. ]  ?6 U) K, b<TD height=25>
% n/ R. c+ R/ A+ s3 s<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>4 [* a. l7 t) f4 |/ [
<TR>; [; s& w6 l5 o3 O8 @
<TD height=25><INPUT>9.5M</TD>
& L( z4 G$ r& z<TD>
& C; I6 a8 f' O( E) |, y<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>& n+ |2 }' n( _8 C6 |+ \
# x: Y6 _1 u1 p! G
  U2 k2 c1 c5 d5 E7 w9 L9 s<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>0 L9 b* _7 }: Q7 k0 O
<TD width="82%">cf3r.rmvb </TD>
) t! y; d! _* Z1 w<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=831678" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>, z2 l: |, A7 o8 O
<TD height=25># `# s' J, F  d4 M
<DIV align=center>0530520215215052 </DIV></TD>
( D! X- n: a1 J' {- w<TD height=25>
1 \1 Q0 d6 b# r7 v3 c<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR>
1 J, b2 j4 J, R2 }) f& K<TR># s# u# @* m( j
<TD height=25><INPUT>9.6M</TD>
; ^* a* l1 ~& H! Z- D2 w<TD>9 I& H  Y( C( P! h5 I
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>6 ]8 S8 J2 Q; t
# o5 K: l5 h- ]+ \9 @& g( i
<TR>  R$ U' `2 m) X/ j8 q
<TD width="9%"><A><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>6 s( w$ B& T$ N6 a9 E9 l
<TD width="82%">afzan_op.wmv </TD>% f: j3 Z' J8 |3 n% M- A9 j
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=831884" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>' q9 K6 I! o8 e
<TD height=25>8 N$ x6 P2 w6 k4 s
<DIV align=center>8498484973316158 </DIV></TD>" C# B6 S7 D1 }+ j
<TD height=25>
) h, S/ D4 D; R5 |& P/ G# ?<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE></P>- i, b! ~. h+ T6 o4 s9 b2 Z
<TABLE borderColor=#0099cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=1>7 b; E# o9 r* k* s+ e! b* z5 @

+ |/ {- R3 p; R2 ?<TR>* K/ ]  l& M+ f6 B
<TD height=25><INPUT>5.1M</TD>  j6 i# Q; T2 v) J0 H
<TD>2 ~5 L: U, E+ C' i- q0 b
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
$ D' `" h; O, D# G! z3 ?  `# ^
! X& ]7 |! K* m6 M1 z<TR>
4 Z$ ?1 _, a8 \" h<TD width="9%"> <a><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>2 n7 j) n' G1 ~: ?' [) n; m/ s
<TD  width="82%">winds_demo1.rmvb </TD>
& F! Q% x  u- B& S' j# L<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=834283" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>6 m# T9 D0 `- A6 C! W- D8 W
<TD height=25>
. f/ C& I, q. _8 s$ p5 ?6 l<DIV align=center>7217209026518913 </DIV></TD>. S  D% b  A/ V# w, }0 F6 X
<TD height=25>+ C+ J* ]" L( U3 ?+ S; c& b4 f
<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>" U3 z  ]" u6 m- o' T: C
6 q+ l' q2 ^3 a4 ?! j/ A$ n<TABLE borderColor=#0099cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=1>7 L" O6 B+ _) A* _0 A% s
% F9 f: s# S' l! f8 e  {  S; x* R
<TR>( E% I9 j( _$ i" f' K, S/ S* I
<TD height=25><INPUT>562K</TD>
. R" ^2 x' Y3 y) R) y<TD>
4 I/ T2 i: A* f  i6 r( I" a% j<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
! G; \4 l; u# N! f  w' ?' S0 L5 h# Y, u( D+ [3 T$ u
2 m2 g7 B4 ?7 M, Q0 W<TD width="9%"> <a><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/tooldl.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A> </TD>
6 N& R- F- z9 V" Z$ d<TD  width="82%">beyond_the_rainbow.rmvb </TD>; U. h: Q* _4 _: l5 ^+ N
<TD width="9%"><a href="http://solar.mofile.com/docs/DocsHandler.do?action=viewFile&amp;fID=834301" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://solar.mofile.com/images/gan.gif" align=absMiddle border=0></A>  </TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
2 N0 {- {# i, C. S<TD height=25>* v# g0 O, [8 O
<DIV align=center>7417405400012269 </DIV></TD>- @( }7 M( |3 r+ V) F. G( `/ I
<TD height=25>
4 }( `# q2 s( w! [<DIV align=center>2005-02-13</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>4 s: I$ S% z, @# @# n+ o
7 B6 o1 e( S1 s
: I& ^. h1 @* t: B& M
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-10 22:54:03编辑过]
0 y8 s' s6 g& q  {/ N


光之丘 发表于 2005-2-10 07:42:27 | 显示全部楼层
AWP 发表于 2005-2-10 07:58:51 | 显示全部楼层
mkfmky 发表于 2005-2-10 09:27:58 | 显示全部楼层
光之丘 发表于 2005-2-10 10:46:49 | 显示全部楼层
4 \6 a1 w$ H) ^! J4 p<P>Yuki no Tokeru Koroni =雪融的那一刻(雪のとける頃に)</P>
" M0 H, ]; |! w8 o' [9 c6 U<P>Aozameta Tsuki no Hikari =蒼之月光(蒼ざめた月の光)</P>
% o) ]! h8 V6 v; L: X; q5 j" y- @
0 k- N" @4 ?1 s! H2 q. B
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-10 2:48:03编辑过]
3 D# e! b  J8 ]4 R3 X
光之丘 发表于 2005-2-10 11:03:13 | 显示全部楼层
<P>E.GO有出过这个游戏吗?还是翻译上的问题令我搞错了……</P><P><a href="http://bbs.dreamxt.com/showimg.asp?BoardID=52&amp;filename=2005-2/20052923246585.jpg" target="_blank" ><img src="http://bbs.dreamxt.com/showimg.asp?BoardID=52&amp;filename=2005-2/20052923246585.jpg"></A></P>
mkfmky 发表于 2005-2-10 17:53:06 | 显示全部楼层
<P>係山本畫的 不過唔係e.go出 係Blue Impact 出BL</P>2 [. w, f' x0 X& O5 i. X% r3 U
<P>正如BAROQUE 也出了魔法少年與新聖魔大戰標準版</P>: T; o. S9 W. `$ c* ~( T2 o/ H" ~
<P>也是由山本揮刀 </P>; x! \, v* o2 ?  S3 ]$ e* x) e
<P>她還沒在e.go做大畫家時 也和其他人一起畫人物 </P>
6 q/ N! ~. r  s+ u" X<P>原來這時我已經擁有一些 如神奇傳說I,II</P>
# L$ @/ z8 N- t; r5 K% u) n$ `
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-10 9:56:37编辑过]

! }8 g$ e9 l- r. H! }0 {) _" W# S
mkfmky 发表于 2005-2-10 19:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
<P>Blue Impact 公司 出的afzan_op 有人會要嗎?


4 L# T4 L; \0 w& f' H0 [- o: p& ]8 [
<FONT color=#723cc4 size=5><b>黑之殘影</b></FONT></P>
, |& z! N6 S* ]  C3 y0 ]( o6 C
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-10 11:07:34编辑过]

$ }( {# ~* \# o) G' ]& \
光之丘 发表于 2005-2-10 19:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
mkfmky 发表于 2005-2-10 20:11:16 | 显示全部楼层
高达79 发表于 2005-2-10 20:45:05 | 显示全部楼层
光之丘 发表于 2005-2-10 21:19:46 | 显示全部楼层
<P>艾倫希亞戰記~復刻板= cf3r</P><P>+ z0 Q$ C/ K4 M% V5 |
<img src="http://bbs.dreamxt.com/skins/default/filetype/jpg.gif">此主题相关图片如下:
/ k" T: _1 }' i' s! I<a href="http://bbs.dreamxt.com/showimg.asp?BoardID=52&amp;filename=2005-2/200521011029206.jpg" target="_blank" ><img src="http://bbs.dreamxt.com/showimg.asp?BoardID=52&amp;filename=2005-2/200521011029206.jpg"></A></P><P>为什么叫 復刻板 同平常的版本有什么不同的吗??</P>
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