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melee bodyguards 141

yishang123 发布于2010-7-5 14:35 535 次浏览 6 位用户参与讨论   [复制分享主题]

"Ah, your old lover in times of difficulty, you still can't help?" Song fables and delicate and exquisite YeQiu poked his arm smile.8 e9 l$ n0 g! B% G0 J8 i  ^  \
"She can handle." YeQiu said with a smile. Finally it. This is the principle of housework, shen cong-wen ink, not mixed together. But when you put thick shen ink eye
6 x" L' \" \7 }- U9 KHe read. Her heart is the answer to the question.
. I( j4 d$ l0 x& ["If we say, the bride would run." In YeQiu fable, small HeiLiuLiu narrow eyes. Women do this expression is really confused. Let a person cannot help wanting to0 J# Q3 s# G- @* j% E! Q4 B
To kiss.
7 l. e# A: B6 B"You are interested in the corner?" YeQiu asked, smiling.
: y8 X- S1 U+ ^7 i& y5 a"Don't you think it is a very interesting? Hold some of the most cherished."+ A7 ^" ?9 o- T, \1 t
"What are you?"
- O; l: j" A: ?2 p* g
2 {* [5 u( Z& {9 w; y( l; q; LBaker loosen a door, then stood in the doorway, invite shen ink thick shen ink a grateful smile, from baker, by her side. Grandfather always sit4 x% l+ |; E" m* P# _. R( F8 i
The room. He said, beth, two old man with.
% C, \& u8 z  _/ F5 B3 o0 Q"Oh, ink. Come in." Beth, he Reebok EasyTone smiled and Reebok Easy Tone heavy ink. Not only when the bell bracelet indifference.2 j% _: t) U* f9 w; w  o
"Thank bei grandpa." Shen ink ShenHou sitting beside sofa, he sat next to loosen his grandfather, no bread. But to sit in the thick shen ink. Shen ink thick4 V8 K& O6 M9 _0 k2 q3 V* `
Alert to look Reebok at him. The body and grandpa moved.2 H$ M# e5 q4 O6 g8 J1 V2 R
Beth's father smiled and said: "by the baker loose the somebody else all say, I have a girl a grandson also outgoing? He is a heart will take on the powerful."
! j. }7 Q8 @7 R! TShen he smiled and said: "eriksson do some company is excellent. SiShao jervois to names, but I've heard there are long, improve the good old grandson."
" J& }3 w: B8 H  x"Good what use? ShenLao after turn, ha ha, brother. We have over ten years of history. I won't let you * around your house. Eriksson mind, I want you now, I also know
& P" t5 q( l, y+ U2 {0 @+ ^Naruto ink is actually to finalize this bracelet, open marriage. Such doing -- "fart voice bracelet sad. Beth's father.
$ Z' q! K9 p# o1 c6 u: i0 K& `"Old. I teach son! Let you destroy so precious treasure jade errors as beth. Shenyang Reebok Shoes bigger house. But also have a few pieces of ancestors left. I'll have to put people, like1 B8 A# d6 |' u( \
The old, will leave. "Shen said that he was guilty.
- v/ p+ ^& g! d! H5 F6 d"ShenLao brothers, so that you will be like? Let's have a family. Why? I love. But, not only for yuhuan ink. Now get things. I will: T3 E3 \1 H6 ~; n$ ~6 E
Here come straight to the point. We like ink to make children shellfish, let my brother daughter-in-law sven-goran eriksson will ShenLao eriksson is thicker ink.- B* F1 O# ~6 @( r& o6 q( B8 y
Please listen to the land. "


参与人数 1 -20 收起 理由
kevinchan -20 不知所谓



漫步雲端 发表于 2010-7-5 14:48:04 | 显示全部楼层
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maplep 发表于 2010-7-5 14:55:24 | 显示全部楼层
发错位了。。。= =
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help6288 发表于 2010-7-5 15:04:18 | 显示全部楼层
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基拉杰特 发表于 2010-7-5 15:25:12 | 显示全部楼层
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kental 发表于 2010-7-5 15:28:53 | 显示全部楼层
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aaron81 发表于 2010-7-5 22:13:03 | 显示全部楼层
求翻译~~~~~8 u8 _( b$ y5 a' [, v
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